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Plan to Eat Meal Planner and Grocery List Maker

How to Solve These 4 Common Meal Planning Problems

Before I used Plan to Eat, I was so overwhelmed! I was buried in cookbooks, web browsers, and recipe printouts, lost in grocery lists and stuck planning the same meals over and over.” – Maxine

Maxine’s quote captures a sentiment shared by many of our customers: the struggle with disorganized meal planning, scattered recipe storage, and complicated grocery lists. These challenges lead to stress, wasted time, and often, a lack of variety and excitement in meals.

In a world where managing daily tasks can already feel like a juggling act, meal planning shouldn’t add to the chaos. Plan to Eat was created to bring simplicity and efficiency to your kitchen, helping you reclaim your time and enjoy the process of planning and cooking.

Discover how Plan to Eat can transform your meal planning routine from overwhelming to enjoyable, making it easier to cook and enjoy delicious, home-cooked meals every day.

cropped image of a woman drinking from a red mug with a phone in her hand.

Problem: Disorganized Meal Planning

Meal planning feels disorganized and chaotic when all the elements are scattered and unstructured. Like Maxine, you feel overwhelmed because all your recipes are from different sources, you’re juggling everyone’s schedules, and your shopping list is never quite right. You try to implement a system for meal planning but it’s tedious and impractical for the amount of time it takes to find recipes and write a comprehensive shopping list. 

Remembering ingredients, calculating recipe amounts, and scrolling through bookmarked recipes is the painful reality of traditional meal planning. Meal planning is like Tetris, you’re trying to fit meals to your schedule, budget, and family’s dietary needs. 

Meal planning magic happens when your tools work to support your system. 

1) You can store and organize your recipes efficiently, so you can find the recipes you’re looking for quickly. 

2) You have a calendar to plan recipes according to your schedule. 

3) Your grocery list is detailed and organized, so you don’t forget any crucial ingredients at the store. 

Efficient Meal Planning

With Plan to Eat you get to use your current method or framework and implement it seamlessly. All your recipes are in one place, you simply add recipes to a calendar based on how you like to plan, and the shopping list is made for you. All the time and effort of gathering recipes, remembering family favorites, and handwriting a shopping list is eliminated. 

“Plan to Eat has been a great way to meal plan and help reduce food waste. I am such a fan of Plan to Eat. Thank you for improving my quality of life – seriously!”

“The app has changed my life, I save so much time when it comes to meal planning thanks to the Plan tab and the Queue in the Cook tab.”

Problem: Handwritten Shopping Lists

Writing a shopping list by hand is time-consuming and error-prone. You can think of a few ingredients right now, but it’s not everything you need. You go to the store and haphazardly shop, backtracking seven times across the store for a loaf of bread and then toothpaste, but wait you also need English muffins…

When you get home, you realize you’re still missing ketchup and get frustrated with yourself for forgetting an obvious item. You end up back at the store. 

A Shopping List Created for You

Handwritten lists are out. An organized, digital grocery list is in! 

Add recipes to your Planner and a comprehensive list will be made for you in the app. Your list will show all the ingredients you need and in the right quantities for your recipes. You can also add any additional items you need for your home or kitchen. 

An automated shopping list saves time and reduces the hassle of manual list-making so you can shop smart and never leave anything behind. With the Shopping List in Plan to Eat you can go to the grocery store and feel confident you have everything you need. 

“The best part of Plan to Eat is the automatically generated grocery list. I love that!”

“Using Plan to Eat has been amazing! I love that it automatically generates my grocery list for me; it’s such a time saver.”

Problem: Scattered Recipe Storage

You have printed recipes, stacks of cookbooks, pinned recipes, and 25 open tabs for recipes you’d like to try. You need one place to keep all your recipes and categorize them efficiently. 

You may use a binder and print out recipes you want to try, but flipping through each recipe to find what you want is a pain. Or you find tons of recipes online and Pin them to boards, but it’s easy to forget about them and you never end up making those yummy-looking recipes. 

An All-In-One Recipe Book

Recipes from all over the web can be added to your Plan to Eat account where you can organize them, add them to your meal plan, and prepare them for your family. With the Recipe Clipper, you can start closing those tabs and keep all your recipes in one place. Or if you have printed recipes, magazine clippings, and cherished cookbooks, you can add those recipes to your account too!

No more sorting through a scattered mess or resorting to eating the same boring recipes because finding a new one is too hard. Open up your phone and all your family’s favorite recipes are right there.

“I absolutely love Plan to Eat and how easy it is to upload recipes from websites, but also having the option to manually input them.”

“The recipe clipper feature is my #1 reason for recommending Plan to Eat to others.

Problem: One Account, Multiple Subscriptions

What’s the number one problem with a handwritten shopping list? Forgetting it at home. Or needing to run to the grocery store while you run other errands, but you don’t have the list with you, so you shop haphazardly.  

What’s also annoying? Having your meal plan only accessible on your kitchen fridge or home computer. You need easy access to your plan so you can make on-the-fly changes or simply be reminded of what you’re cooking tonight. 

One Account, All Your Devices

Other meal-planning apps make you pay for separate subscriptions for each device you use your account on, but not Plan to Eat! Your meal plan is available on all your devices: phones, tablets, computers and you can share your account with your household

With a shared account, you can delegate grocery shopping to someone else! And you always have an answer to “What’s for dinner?”.

“I love that my recipes can be shared with my daughters who also have Plan to Eat. Love that it is easy to plan, cook and shop from the same app.”

“I use my iPad for recipes and then also use my phone to check things and use the shopping list in the store.”

Sometimes it’s nice to take the long, scenic route, but most of the time we just need to get to where we’re going in the most efficient way possible. Meal planning is one of those tasks that needs to be checked off the list, so we can maximize our time in other ways. Stop sacrificing your time and mental energy on a meal planning system that’s cluttered and time-consuming!

Try Plan to Eat today, for free, and see what the other tens of thousands of users are raving about!

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