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10 High-Protein Breakfasts To Start Your Day

There’s a lot of focus on protein these days. You can find protein-infused cookies, chips, granola bars, and even water–and a wide range of protein powder made out of everything from milk to peas.

While those products can make it really convenient to get more protein, it’s not actually hard to find protein in food. Meat is an obvious source, but nearly all foods have some amount of protein.

Getting protein at every meal is important, and not just because it does a bunch of things in the body like building muscle and skin, making hormones, and supporting the immune system. 

Protein also makes us satisfied with our meals, so we’re less likely to start grazing 30 minutes later. And if we eat too little protein, our bodies will break down protein from our muscles to get what it needs. And that’s no good!

How much do you need? That’s different for everyone, depending on things like body weight and activity level. A nice rule of thumb is to aim for 15-30 grams of protein per meal. All of these morning meals fit that bill:

1. One cup of vanilla Greek yogurt with berries

Because the liquid whey is strained when making Greek yogurt, it has more protein (and less sugar) than regular yogurt.

2. Two scrambled eggs with 1 slice of whole wheat toast

Don’t toss the yolk when making eggs–it has protein in it too, plus nutrients (like choline) the white doesn’t.

3. One 4-ounce cup cottage cheese + sliced fruit

Cottage cheese is packed with protein, plus calcium for your bones.

4. Two Protein Waffles with a latte

Confession: I make a batch of these Protein Waffles nearly every week! They’re flour-free and have 14 grams of protein in two waffles. Eat while sipping a latte made with 1 cup dairy or soy milk.

5. ½ cup quick oats made with 1 cup milk and topped with berries, ¼ cup walnut pieces, and a drizzle of honey

All kinds of oats, from instant to steel-cut, contain protein and are natural whole grains.

6. Two slices of avocado toast

Toast two pieces of sprouted grain bread (it tends to be higher in protein than regular bread). Top them with ½ smashed avocado, a sprinkle of kosher salt, and a fried egg cut in half.

7. One cup quinoa porridge with fruit & seeds

Quinoa is a plant-based complete protein. On the stove, simmer 1 cup of cooked quinoa with milk (or make quinoa with milk instead of water, adding more milk at the end until you get the consistency you want). Pour into a bowl and top with 1 small sliced banana, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, and a drizzle of maple syrup.

8. PBJ Roll-Up with milk

Whole grains tend to have more protein than refined. Spread 2 tablespoons peanut butter on a whole wheat tortilla. Place sliced strawberries and bananas down the middle and roll up. Enjoy with a glass of milk.

9. Smoked Salmon Bagelwich

Spread a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese, add 1 slice of smoked salmon and toppings like fresh arugula or spinach, sliced red onion, or sliced tomato.

10. Protein Bistro Box

You know those pricey protein boxes at the coffee shop? Make one yourself using a reusable container. Include 1 hard-boiled egg, ¼ cup almonds, 1 ounce cheese, and a handful of berries.

By Sally Kuzemchak, MS, RD

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